Beyond Telesec provides state of the art 58 square meters of Data Centre which has a capacity of 14 full sized 42U Data Racks in a dedicated space where companies can keep and operate most of the ICT infrastructure that supports their business.

The space have a raised floor with cabling ducts running underneath to feed power to the cabinets and carry the cables that connect the cabinets together.

The environment is controlled in terms of areas such as temperature & humidity, both to ensure the performance and the operational integrity of the systems within.

The facilities include power supplies, backup power, precision air conditioners, cabling, fire & water detection systems and security controls all in compliance to world wide Data Centre standards.

The advantages of using Beyond Telesec Data Centre are as follows:

Optimum environment for ICT compliance to international Data Centre Standards

– High Network benefits, network availability, reliability, agility & scalability

-Multiple network infrastructure access over terrestrial underground and overhead fiber optic, microwave, MPLS and C-Band VSAT, providing connectivity virtually anywhere in Tanzania and beyond

– Service benefits, monitoring and maintaining your system 24/7 by Beyond Business professionals

– Cost-saving benefits, No any construction or preparation costs for ICT environment

– Secure ICT environment

Beyond Telesec offers state of the art infrastructure at your finger tip with immediate increase in the network reliability and scalability. Should your business grows and requires more network resources, it can easily meet your new requirements. The customer can benefit to reduce their ICT cost and risks. Their ICT manpower requirement will be reduced together with the difficulty in retaining staff with ICT skills.

Equipment reaching end of its life?

As customer current in-house equipment becomes obsolete, virtualization, colocation and cloud computing solutions from data center can offer a viable, more cost effective, and more secure alternative

High availability and disaster recovery for a critical application?

Unless the customer have the system, infrastructure and redundant backup security solutions in place, their mission critical applications are at risk. Beyond Telesec can help them design a solution to ensure that their systems remain continuously available and secure

Moving to the cloud?

Deciding on the most effective way to move to a virtualized or cloud computing environment can be overwhelming. Beyond Telesec are able to make this a smooth transition and help customer decide which systems are best suited for the cloud

Service offered at the Data Centre are as follows:

BRaaS – Bare Metal as a Service or Hardware Colocation Services

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service

PaaS – Platform as a Service

SaaS – Software as a Service

DraaS – Disaster Recovery as a Service

BRaaS – Bare Metal as a Service / Colocation Services

BRaaS / Colocation Centre is a place in Data Centre where equipment, space, and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers. Colocation eliminates having to build a secure facility that provides power and air conditioning for company-owned servers.

Beyond Telesec BRaaS / Colocation facilities provide space, power, cooling, and physical security for the server, storage, and networking equipment of other firms and connect them to a variety of telecommunications and network service providers with a minimum of cost and complexity.

Various different options are available with our Data Racks for Full Racks, Half Racks, Quarter Racks and customized sizes all segregated and have their own lockable doors which can have exclusive access to customers 24/7.

Benefits of BRaaS

-Best ROI providing best life of the hardware equipment

-ICT Business transactions with piece of mind and least interruptions

-Security of data, equipment and online business transactions

-Least overhead of building and maintaining server environment enabling client to fully focus on the business process

-Flexibility to do business from anywhere on the globe via internet

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service

The IaaS model provides the basic infrastructure, especially the required hardware and bandwidth resource, to the customer of the industry solutions. The customer must handle configuration of the platform and application, such as installation of the operation system and required software components

IaaS provides a set of building blocks, or services, such as virtual servers, data storage, and databases. Using these services, you can create a platform to deploy and run your applications.

You can build up and tear down systems with ease. IaaS clouds are completely scriptable environments; they lend themselves to easily creating on demand frameworks. The ability to very quickly assemble complete application deployment environments, which can expand or contract based on demand for resources, is a great value proposition for today’s IT departments. In addition to the elasticity, another attraction is the pay-per-use for the service. You pay only for what you consume, and no longer have to allocate resources up front.

A variety of applications can benefit from using IaaS systems.

Testing and staging

Complete testing and staging environments can be created, used, and torn down when not needed. No more lag times for hardware requisitioning and waiting for the environments to be ready. Anytime you want to test, you can create a new environment and discard it once testing is complete.

Web application deployment environments

You can use IaaS to run your Web sites and give them the ability to easily handle an increase in traffic by expanding your resources on demand. You can even use IaaS cloud services to create additional short-lived Web sites that cater to a specific marketing campaign or sales strategy.

Storage needs

Your enterprise could use the cloud services as a location to store files and other data for your users.

Large-scale data processing

You can use the power of the cloud services to crunch massive data sets and take advantage of large-scale parallel processing. Create grids on demand for processing large data and tear them down once the processing is done.

Beyond Telesecs IaaS platforms offer highly scalable resources that can be adjusted on-demand. This makes Beyond Telesec IaaS well-suited for workloads that are temporary, experimental or change unexpectedly.

Benefits of IaaS

-Best ROI with no client ownership of the hardware resources

-ICT Business transactions with piece of mind and least interruptions

-Security of data and online business transactions

-Allocation of secure hardware resources (CPU, Memory, Storage, NIC) only  as per the requirement of client

-Least overhead of building and maintaining server environment, Server Hardware and basic OS/Hypervisor and hardware monitoring tools,enabling client to have better focus on the business process.

-The interface for client so that he can remotely connect to the allocated resources and can themselves install, configure, test, remove or upgrade the  software’s like: Database and application software’s and other necessary  patches and environment software’s and licenses etc.

-Flexibility to do business from anywhere on the globe via internet

-Flexibility to add more resources or reduce the resources as and when required

PaaS – Platform as a Service

The PaaS model offers the basic infrastructure and platform to deploy applications. The PaaS model usually provides APIs to develop, test, and deploy industry solutions

In the PaaS models, Beyond Telesec deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming language execution environment, database, and web server. Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.

Benefits of IaaS

Best ROI with no client ownership of the hardware resources and other software’s like Database software’s and other necessary patches and environment software’s excluding main application with licenses

ICT Business transactions with piece of mind and least interruptions

Security of data and online business transactions

Least overhead of building and maintaining server environment, Server Hardware and basic OS/Hypervisor and hardware monitoring tools and database environments, enabling client to have better focus on the business process.

Allocation of secure and redundant resources (CPU, Memory, Storage, NIC,VMs) and DB user licenses, OS user licenses or citrix licenses only as per the requirement of client

The interface for client so that he can remotely connect to the allocated resources and can install, configure, test, remove or upgrade the software’s like:

Install, configure , test and remove Business applications,

Flexibility to do business from anywhere on the globe via internet

Flexibility to add more resources or reduce the resources as and when required. Flexibility to add more licenses

SaaS – Software as a Service

Beyond Telesec SaaS model provides different customers with the functionality of applications that are completely hosted in the cloud, but customers have limited flexibility. Through the SaaS model, the time to market of the industry solution is very short. With the use of any of the above three models (i.e. BRaaS, IaaS & PaaS) of cloud computing, industry solutions can gain the benefit of cloud computing and also obtain the benefits of the delivery model, such as shorter time to market and the reuse of components.

Benefits of IaaS

Best ROI with no client ownership of the hardware resources and other software’s like Database software’s and other necessary patches and environment software’s and Applications

ICT Business transactions with piece of mind and least interruptions

Security of data and online business transactions

Least overhead of building and maintaining server environment, Server Hardware and basic OS/Hypervisor and hardware monitoring tools and database environments and Application Software’s, enabling client to have full focus on the business process.

Allocation of secure and redundant resources (CPU, Memory, Storage, NIC,VMs) and DB user licenses, OS user licenses or Citrix licenses only as per the requirement of client

The interface for client so that he can remotely login and use the application

Flexibility to do business from anywhere on the globe via internet

Flexibility to add more licenses as an when required in a short time

No overhead of administering lots of licenses

DraaS – Disaster Recovery as a Service

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is the replication and hosting of physical or virtual servers by a third-party to provide failover in the event of any catastrophe at customer such as data hack, fire, theft, electrical short circuit …etc.

In any business, data is one of the key elements used in running daily operations. There are several ways in which a firm can store and protect its data.

In the past, disaster preparation would often require IT staff to travel to off-premise data centers and/or copy corporate data onto tapes. However, advances in technology and computing platforms have enabled the creation of better and more scalable data storage mechanisms. These have paved the way for complete Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solutions that can be used instead of internal IT teams.

When data is lost due to disaster, uncontrollable losses will occur. To prevent this, many companies opt to have in place disaster response measures and even dedicated teams for managing such situations.

Beyond Telesec DRaaS solutions helps address many challenges, including mobility, portability and high performance, among other features. Traditional disaster recovery does not offer the capabilities that DRaaS can today.

Beyond Telesec DRaaS solution can be especially useful for small to mid-size businesses that lack the necessary expertise to provision, configure and test an effective disaster recovery plan (DRP). Using DRaaS also means the organization doesn’t have to worry about investment and maintenance of their own off-site DR environment.

An additional benefit is that DRaaS contracts can be flexible as the business’ needs change and expectations are documented in a service-level agreement (SLA) and Beyond Telesec provides failover to a cloud computing environment, either through a contract or pay-per-use basis.

Benefits of DRaaS

Rapid and Immediate Recovery


Reliable Security